Vanbrugh Castle School

The Vanbrugh Chronicle - Summer 1967

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The Vanbrugh Chronicle

Summer 1967


We didn't find time to prepare the Chronicle last term, so this is a large edition. On behalf of the Fifth Form I would like to thank everyone who has helped in the printing and despatch of this - our newspaper

SCHOOL STAFF Alun Macfadyen

The teaching staff remains unaltered. The Headmaster teaches French; Mr. Morton is responsible for Mathematics, Scripture and Science; Miss Orr (who is shortly marrying a former master here, Mr. Graham Trasler) teaches English, Junior Art and Biology. Mr. Lillywhite teaches English and Geography; Mr. Davies looks after History throughout the School and teaches Junior Mathematics. Our part-time teachers are Mr. Paddy Purcell who trains our excellent Band; Mr. Awcock who teaches Senior Art; Mrs Spiers who teaches a few boys weaving; Colour Sergeant Voller, R. M. who takes us for P. T.; and the Reverend Julian Newman, Father Edgar Dunn and Miss Tappenden who give religious instruction during the week.

Miss Vince returned to Vanbrugh after Christmas for a year. Miss Oldacres continues to keep protect us from all manner of contagious diseases.Mrs Smith, our Housekeeper, keeps us splendidly fed and has a new fish-fryer - which she keeps hard at work.

On behalf of the whole school we would like to thank the staff for a very happy term.

GUESTS M. McConnell

As usual, we have had many guests to lunch, tea or on fleeting visits. Among them have been our Chairman, Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Saunders, Graham Fowler (an old boy). Miss Wentworth (a former housekeeper), Mr James Pollock of the Shell Organisation who gave us a most interesting talk on oil production in Venezuela, Lady Cordingley who has been to Lunch and Tea, Lady Babington who brought her nice dog, David Pafford (another old boy, now at London University), Hugh Croxford (a former Captain of this school), Vernon Towner (an old boy and now the proud father of a splendid baby). Mr Edward Bishop, who came to judge our House Drama Competition, Sir John and Lady Whitley, the Chaplain-in-Chief of the R.A.F. and a number of old boys of whom we remember in particular Nigel Grayston, Raymond Pendleton, Paul McCann, Ian Macfadyen, David Patten and Martin Smith.

Sir Hugh Saunders and Sir John Whitley visited us again during the Summer Term, Also Sir John and Lady Cordingley, Squadron Leader Shillito, Flight Lieutenant Davies, Air Commodore Wynter-Morgan and Wing Commander Simpson, the Reverend Jack Pawseys the Reverend Derek Brown, Mr, R. V. Chadwick, Mrs. Monica Dunnett, Sir Walter and Lady Merton, Mr. Harald Peake and his wife Dame Felicity. Mr. Graham Trasler, Mr. Bottrill and Weymarn (a11 former members of the staff) also called on us.


We wish every success and happiness to Mr. Graham Trasler and Miss Elizabeth Orr, two former members of our Staff, who are being married on August 29th at Cuddesdon near Oxford, The boys gave them a reproduction of a drawing of a boy's head by del Sarto as a wedding present,

VISIT (EasterTerm) R. Jakeman

During the Spring Term, there were two visits to Bowles Mountaineering Gymnasium, The Headmaster went with the boys on the first visit and Mr. Lillywhite on the second. The costs of these enjoyable courses are paid by the R.A.F. Association.

A few boys were taken to the Caledonian School by Mrs. Smith, whose children attend it. Two boys were invited to a cricket lecture at Christ's College by the Assistant Secretary of the M. C. C. On the 14th of January the whole school went to a party given by the South London Branch of the R. A. F. Association, and every boy received a giant tea and a giant painting set; Three Catholic boys were taken on a visit to St. Augustine's Abbey School at Ramsgate by the Headmaster, and Mr. Morton took the whole of the Fifth Form to a Science Lecture at the Royal Institution in London. The boys who remained here on Visiting Day were taken to a splendid film at the local Granada Cinema.


This exam was held on June 19, 20 and 21. We have just heard that Macfadyen, Maynard and Rankin were successful at Reed's School: Rodgers, Campbell and Kendall at Kingham Hill School: and Green at St. Augustine's Abbey.

This year there were two administrative alterations;

1. Latin was not taken.

2. All boys took the B papers as well as the A.

The subjects taken were English, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, French, Scripture, Geography and History.

Pinn and Armstrong took entrance examinations for Royal Wolverhampton School, Clarke for the Royal Wanstead School All were granted places. David and Alan Elias and David Frost will in future attend day schools in their home towns.

We thank the masters who helped us to succeed in this way, and wish all the leavers the best of luck in their new schools.


The Spring Term's football team was almost the same as the previous term's. The results were:-

30 Jan.Westminster Abbey Choir School L 5-6
6 Feb.Westminster Under School L 1-4
22 Feb.Westminster Abbey Choir School W 2-0
27 Feb.Westminster Under School W 3-1
18 Mar.King's College School, Cambridge L 4-5


The results of our matches have been: -
Opponents Results
Reed's School Drew 3-3
Christ's College Won 5-0
Roan School Won 4-1
Westminster Under School Won 7-4
King's House School Won 5-3
Westminster Abbey Choir School Won 3-1
King's House School Won 6-2
Bexleyheath Grammar SchoolDrew 3-3

Considering that we only started to play chess last September, these results are very creditable indeed, and due mainly to the enthusiasm and instruction of Mr. Davies. We are wondering how we can keep the club going now that he has left us.


This took place at Vincent Square, Westminster, with this result:

Westminster Abbey Choir School 87
Westminster Under School 47
Vanbrugh Castle 29

It was a disappointing result when one remembers that we won the match last year. The other two schools had clearly been getting in more practice than we.

FILMS A. Macfadyen

During the Easter term we saw:-

The Legend of Dick Turpin
The Bulldog Breed
In Search of the Castaways
The Disorderly Orderly
together with a number of Geography films shown by Mr. Lillywhite.

In the Easter term we say:-

Animal Farm
Top Sail Schooner


Now that the Dell has been properly fenced a number of senior boys have been allowed down there to play. The Knollys Wing is now in full use. Miss Vince is studying biology, bacteriology, swine fever and dropsy in the belief that our duck-pond, once the playground of our family of ducks, can be converted into a gold-fish aquarium without unreasonable loss of life. She has won the first two rounds. The two bricked-up windows in Tedder Dormitory are to be opened up, thus improving the ventilation of the room and the light that comes in, During the summer the Vth Form terrace was finished off perfectly by Mr, Tappenden, and he also continued his beautiful brick path to the Games Room. The corridor was re-painted and carpeted, and the laboratory was re-decorated. Finally the Castle Entrance Porch was restored.


Thirteen matches have been played.

For Against
10 May King's College School, Cambridge Lost 42 123
15 Carn Brea 2nd XI Won 56 for 3 55
17 Westminster Abbey Choir School Lost 11 for 0 12
22 Clare House Drew 69 for 9 46 for 6
1 Jun St. Faith's, Cambridge Lost 40 42 for 3
3 Clare House Lost 25 72 for 4
5 Westminster Under School Lost 49 105 for 8
7 Homefield Won 85 49
28 St. Faith's, Cambridge Lost 47 49 for 0
3 Jul Carn Brea Lost 36 84 for 8
5 Homefield Lost 58 61 for 5
10 Westminster Abbey Choir School Drew 44 for 5 60 for 9
Under 11 Match
12 JunHomefieldWon9140


The choir have been congratulated on their singing at weddings, when they have usually held the fort alone. These boys are members:

(HEAD CHORISTERS) Maynard, R. Campbell, Owens, Ingleson, A. Butler, Sanderson, Alan Comeau, Alan Elias, David Elias, Ian Barlow.

Maynard and Campbell are leaving the choir after five years service, and Alan and David Elias are also leaving.


Nicknames are very common in this school, the oldest being Dolly for Arthur Rodgers; he inherited this name from his brother who entered the school eleven years ago. Others - to deal only with the Fifth Form - are:-

R. Campbell Sindy, Wuff, Pedigree, Cain and Bob
Green Butch, Buddha and Mong
Macfadyen Stigger Stiggs and Mac
Rankin Nelly, Ranks
Kendall Chuck
R. Jakeman Foghorn, Jakes
M. McConnell Spider, Mitch
Ingleson higles, Jingles
A. GalvinTom and Galvers
OwensFruiy and Fruity
MaynardMonkey and Manny.

VISITS (Summer Term) Jeffrey Maynard

The cricket team went to Cambridge twice with Mr. Lillywhite. Mrs. Smith took three boys to a mini-Highland Games near London, A party of boys were invited to fly from Gatwlck to Biggin Hill for the International Air Show, but because of bad weather they got no further than Gatwick - though they did look over the plane that should have taken them. Another small party saw 'The Mousetrap' in London.

Holidays have been arranged for all leavers by the Headmaster and R.A.F. Germany and the R.A.F. Association. Six are going to R.A.F. Wildenrath by train and boat and returning by air, taking two weeks on the whole holiday, two are going to Switzerland for a fortnight and staying at Leysin. Two others are spending a week fishing at Malton in Yorkshire; one is cycling in the Wye Valley and another is climbing in North Wales. We are all very grateful to the kind people who have made these holidays possible by giving their time or money.

The whole school visited the Royal Tournament and thought it marvellous.


This competition is held annually to decide the award of the Lyons Cup, This year the plays were judged by Mr. Edward Bishop, who is writing the history of the R.A.F. Benevolent Fund, and he decided in favour of Harries House who produced a play called "Smuggler's Ruse", Cordingley's play was called "The Rowland Ruby". Mr. Bishop singled our Robert Campbell for special praise.

THE BAND R. Campbell

As always, we started the year with little promise of making a band from the available material, but Mr Paddy Purcel accepted the challenge as usual, and by Speech Day he was able to produce a splendid programme, and take the Christmas Party and one or two garden parties in his stride.

We are very sorry to be facing next term with the loss of several experienced players such as Macfadyen, Maynard, Clarke, Frost. Rankin and - if I may say so - myself. But no doubt Paddy will wave his magic wand again.

(Comment from J.H.C. It's not magic at all. It's just hard work.)

WEAVING E. Jakeman

Mrs. Spiers comes every Monday and Friday from Snack to Tea to teach a handful of boys to weave, and some very creditable articles have been made, some of which were on show on Speech Day and astonished many of our lady friends. The class has made a skirt, two tea-cosies, table-mats and cushion-covers, three chair-backs and six raffia table mats. Our little club has been pushed about the school more than anyone else since its formation, but we do understand how hard it must be to find accommodation for our equipment which is only used twice a week. There are rumours that another solution is being considered.


Every year we have a Chistmas Party at the School to which a number of grown-ups guests are invited, including the American Air Attache and some of his staff. The Americans always bring with them a large heap of presents, one for each boy, and a wonderful contribution of cookies, goodies, Coke, gum and crackers. In return we put on a play, and this last Christmas it was the first scene of "The man Born to be King" by Dorothy Sayers, and produced splendidly by Mr. Lillywhite. Colonel Michaelis , the U.S. Air Attache, was specially impressed by Ingleson's performance as Herod.


This was a Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols such as King's College. Cambridge, inaugurated under their Dean, the Reverend Eric Milner-White, more than thirty years ago, and which is now broadcast every Christmas to the world. We were asked to provide a boy to read the first lesson, in accordance with tradition, and John Ingleson was chosen. He was given three or four trials at the school and one in the church. We thought he was all right. But the great British Public seem to have considered him quite outstanding, and one lady remarked that he had opened her eyes to the meaning and importance of that particular piece of Genesis. This was a Festival Carol Service organised by the R.A.F. Benevolent Fund and attended by its President, Her Koyal Highness Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent. Although John Ingleson will be here next Christmas, we dare not expose him once again to the glare of public approval, so he can carry a lantern next time and give someone else a chance. In fact we are thinking of sending one of our Roman Catholic boys to read the lesson next year.


Miss Patricia Johnson will be taking Miss Orr's place as form-master of the 1st Form, and Nicholas Welch, until lately Head Boy of Kingham Hill School, will be replacing Mr. Davies.


This was won by Cordingley after a very close competition. The final margin was only two points- Next September we start from zero again.

summary of news from old boys

Kingham Hill School

Tyekiff is Captain of the Under 14 Cricket team, and McCann is Vice-Captain. They are the only two boys to be awarded their Under 14 colours, John Dixon is Vice-Captain of Riding and a member of the 1st Vlll Basket Ball and Under 16 Basket Ball teams. Evison is a House Prefect. Rodgers is in the School Shooting Team, and so is Barley. Pafford is House Football Captain. McCann is Captain of Norwich House Junior Football team, a member of the School Swimming and Athletics Team and Under 14 Swimming Champion.

Reed's School

Taylor is Captain of the School, Captain of Rugby and Captain of Cricket. C.Pafford is a House Prefect and Captain of the School Cross-Country Team. Maynard has done very well as the School Fast Bowler, and appears in this year's "Wisden". Longhurst has been awarded a R.A.F. Scholarship to Cranwell.

St. Augustines Abbey School

Our boys at this school are too young to have earned any great distinctions so far, but their turn will come.

Royal Wolverhampton School

No news received. Will our two members please remedy this by next term's issue.
